Monday, December 1, 2008

How Things happen

As in China, we are having technical difficulties posting and accessing the web, but I think we are slowly working through them. My camera has decided to take pictures, but not let me download them, so we are using Deb's camera and also the video camera. The weather has really cooled off and shorts are out and umbrellas are in. It s in the low 40's in the morning and getting to the 50+ by midday. So much for our advance notice of blue skies, 70's and no rain.
We'll post more tomorrow.
My stupid WORLD WIDE EDITION blackberry is not working despite hours of working with ALLTEL before we left and assurances of being ready to operate in Portugal!

Planes, Trains, and Buses

After a relatively long flight (7+ hours) to Lisbon, we arrived late and thankfully had allowed plenty of time to take a bus from the airport to the train station for the ride to Albufeira. What a pleasant ride, lots of space and interesting countryside. This included much head bobbing by Lee, Debby and Cathy trying to stay awake so we would not miss our stop. Todd and Rachel on the other hand took full advantage of the gentle rocking of the train and slept soundly for most of the 3 hour ride.
Getting off the train was a bit exciting, they did not give us more than about 1 minute before they started getting ready to close the doors. Rachel dropped her jacket and had a hard time picking it up and then Debby's backpack strap got caught on a handle. So we envisioned Debby running next to the train until they stopped. I managed to get it loose in time and we all managed to laugh when everyone was safe. However, the conductor unnerved us when he asked us if we were certain that this was where we really wanted to get off looking around at the deserted station platform. We knew we were right but it was really deserted, but once we walked through the station there was more activity. Our transportation (van) wasn't anywhere to be seen and the pay phone was broken! we went into a coffee shop and were able to use the phone and finally arrange for our transport to the team hotel. A REALLY LONG DAY!!!! But we made it without any melt downs.